Embrace The Petty.

Maybe that nigga Vegeta was onto something. That nigga wanted to not only be the best but be better than one other person so bad that he not only worked but willed himself into becoming a super saiyan. This nigga wanted it so bad that he achieved ultra ego when Goku achieved ultra instinct. Unlike Goku who just loves to fight and wants to do nothing more than become stronger solely for the sake of it this nigga Vegeta wanted to be strong to spite others and laud it over their heads and to that I say “Sounds like a plan.”

You can make incredible gains by embracing pettiness. Wanting to prove someone wrong or to make someone regret something, be the best and destroy the competition. I see nothing wrong with it. Michael Jordan was one of if not still is one of the most petty human beings on the face of the earth. He willed himself into greatness by outworking his competitors and embracing the darker emotions of the human existence.

He would see people accomplish feats against him and talk trash and work 10X’s harder to make them regret it. Kobe Bryant during a particularly tumultuous period in his life used his anger and aggression as a means to becoming a better player and molding a championship team. With people constantly doubting him, wanting to see him fail and him generally being a bit of a pariah at that point created the “Black Mamba” alter ego.

Wanting to put someone in their place, prove someone wrong and make others regret doubting you whilst proving your skill is an incredible means to an end that no one wants to talk about. If it wasn’t a good motivator then why does every man or woman work out or put in extra effort towards a goal like working out after a break up? If it wasn’t a good motivator then why would someone who gets broken up with throw themselves even deeper into their work?

Nothing would make me happier than to show all those who doubted me that I am better. Nothing would make me happier than making them regret seeing me as less than. Nothing would make me happier than to be better than my previous affiliates ever could be and kill them and their egos with success. Fuck kindness. Not only will I destroy their doubts and make them eat their words and feel shame for doing so but I’ll destroy my doubts as well. Embrace the petty.

"I'm Only"

First and foremost I’m back you bitch ass niggas HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Secondly that phrase should be adopted into your vocabulary immediately. A lot of people love to put arbitrary time limits on themselves in regards to a goal or task to be accomplished. That is inherently detrimental because of the fact that this usually comes from comparing yourself to the highlight reel obsessed sycophants on the fucking internet. Its always good to have a timeline and a deadline to push some pep in ya’ step but it shouldn’t come from comparing your journey to another’s. The path to success is not one size fits all. There is no formula and no guarantees. The path to success is plagued with experimentation, innovation and lots of failure. This comes from success not only meaning different things to different people but the trial and error that is need to figure out what works for you.

You can start at 16 or you can start at 60; It’s never too late to begin something new and become someone different. Its always better to start earlier but never let some random and poorly thought out time frame convince you that life can and has to play out one way. Every ending is a new beginning and learning to embrace failure and uncomfortable circumstances will be the key to it. It just won’t play out the same way every time. If you can deal with that and understand that then you’ll be better prepared than most the get to exactly where you see yourself. There’s nothing wrong with that process of change starting later in life so don’t be deterred by this. Its a marathon not a sprint and sometimes the fruits of your labor only start to manifest when your nearing the end.

They're Not Your Friend. They're Just Convenient.

As I’ve grown over these last 29 years I realized many things but one of the most important is that most “Friendships” aren’t that. These people are merely surface level acquaintances that are around due to the circumstances being convenient. Whether you see them at work or go to the same school, chances are you only hang with these particular individuals because they are the closest to you. You only engage in small talk and have no meaningful conversations. Shit, a lot of these relationships may also just be based on mutual benefit. As you live and grow you realize that people who truly care dive into your complexities with an innate curiosity. They dig beneath the surface in order to not only understand but to embrace who you truly are.

They confide in you amidst their lows and include you in the glow of their highs. Your conversations have depth and cover an array of topics. They are an essential part of your journey and if you’re lucky then they become apart of your life for the long haul. Some people are only around for a reason and a season and thats normal but some of these niggas you claim to be friends are only around for themselves. Finding and having real friends is never convenient. It takes time and effort to find real ones. Theres nothing wrong with acquaintances but you have to deal with them accordingly. The true friends that remain all laugh in the face of inconvenience. They’d never let something like that stop themselves from being the friend that you deserve.

Learn The Value Of Someones Work Before You Shit On It Ya' Fucking Dickhead!

A lot of times you’ll see that happen on the internet or hear it in conversation or whatever and it just goes to show the disconnect between the creator and the consumer. Often times it shows how fucking dumb and uninformed they are because they don’t know the process or even understand that the work they are undervaluing is something that they see and has also affected them everyday since they were born. With photography in particular people still think of it as the art that is literally just pushing a button. For one they are a fucking idiot. Period. For second they have no idea of the knowledge and know how that is required to take those photos and the importance of them.

Going back to how it affects them is in regards to advertising. Everything they buy is usually because of an ad with stunning and painstakingly edited photos made just to get them to stop and contemplate buying an item of clothing or a fucking blender. The websites the go to to buy clothes or makeup have product photos and editorials geared toward making you buy everything from eyeshadow to a pair of shoes. When they read vogue the ads that they turn past have paid a photographer tens of thousands of dollars and possibly six figures just to get that one photo. From getting the photographer and the crew together, location and set up, building props and additional pieces to add to the set, the editing and color-grading to the retouching.

It is way more than pushing a button and even with that if you don’t know how to use the camera or manipulate the settings then your fucked bitch. It’s easy to dismiss what someone does when you’ve never done it and probably can’t do it. So before you start screaming about how that shit is easy, how about you shut the fuck up and use your noodle for a second because the shit probably looks easy because they’ve been working on that skill for half your life to make it look as such. Stop hating and start learning ya’ bozo. Hating never made a nigga no money. Period.

Keep Going. That's It.

Sometimes I sit and think that a lot of the things that I envision for myself and that I KNOW WILL happen are crazy and that I’m crazy for how grandiose they may seem if I said them to other people but I know they aren’t because I’ve always seen these things happening regardless of how others may feel about it. I don’t think of them as dreams but as goals that I don’t see being anything other than accomplished. Ever since I started thinking about the future seriously when I was younger I never saw myself as unsuccessful or as a bum. I always saw myself as a successful creative with multiple streams of income, a baddie on my arm, a fire ass home and two fire ass samoyed puppies named “Aeon” & “Horcrux.” (Don’t steal the dog names ‘cause I know they’re fire and some of you niggas might jack that shit so don’t do it. Thank You. Sincerely, MGMT.)

It wasn’t always that way of course but once I reached that point I couldn’t see any other destination aside from that one. There were nights when I felt like an absolute fucking nutcase but there was an even bigger feeling telling me otherwise. A feeling saying to be patient. A feeling telling me to stay the course. A feeling telling me to keep trying. A feeling telling me to keep going. I have no choice but to listen because this art shit with photography in particular is in my blood and bones. I can’t see myself doing anything else for the rest of my life. I can’t go back to retail without wanting to put a bullet in my head and I don’t want to work for another muhfucking person ever again. Just clients and partners with a team I can trust working as a unit. I see all my dreams coalescing into reality and I can’t see nothing else. Neither should you.

The Plight Of Being Different

Being oneself is not for the faint of heart. The challenge of trying to find your place in arenas where you stand apart will plague you daily. There will be a constant lack of understanding due to a combination of ignorance and a lack of empathy on the parts of your colleagues and peers. The sheer amount of people who will fail to understand your vision may at times make you start to believe that you might be the crazy one but the truth is that you aren't. Most people are reactionary while the one who forges their own path is trying to be the catalyst for the next event that they react to. Most people only find comfort in bloody water while the different embrace the fear of the blue oceans emptiness.

That is where the oddballs and the weirdos come in. We make the sacrifices that others aren't willing to. We put in the work that others neglect due to laziness. We are willing to come to grips with the fact that in order for some to succeed after us that we have to sacrifice ourselves at times and take the brunt of the hate and all the ridicule that comes with sticking to your guns and trusting your gut. Only those who see the world differently as we do will be able to understand and it's that understanding that is one of the greatest pleasures you can get in a world that chooses the ordinary by default.

It reaffirms what people like us have to periodically tell ourselves in order to stay sane; We are NOT crazy. We are different. We are unique and on behalf of all the artists with a unique vision I want to say that you are loved. So keep doing you because in the long run the sacrifices will be worth it. They'll catch up eventually.